I know it's a little hard to see. I will see if I can get a bigger one soon. I've hand made a PMC stick that is a flower base. The cut up flower petals was the muse - used to be a circle pendant which I cut into 4 sections and - made into a flower. The flower part is a pin and the beetle is a pin so I have two separate pins here that work together.
I also used ndeble (mispelled I know) weave to make the purple calcyx for the flower.
The little story here is there is a beetle that lives on a special flower (hence the similarities in their patterns) with the seed pod.
My beetle pin with wings that echo the pattern on the shell pendant. The body is bead woven in peyote stitch like an amulet bag and the insides has clove oil so the beetle is a bit of clove smell. The shell part is bead embroidered with a little wire work for the antennae.

I won an award on the Muse contest! Here is the website for the winner's page:
I was awarded the "handmade components" award for my pin. And I can finally post photos of my entry!
Good night!